When should I register my child?

Registration periods may vary from one school to the next, but are typically scheduled for the fall of the year before your child attends high school and early in the New Year for kindergarten and elementary school age children.

For further information, click on the school page of your choice under the OUR SCHOOLS section at the top of the page .

Are the Jewish Day Schools ranked?

Although our schools consistently rank among the top performing schools in Quebec, each of our schools embraces their own unique mission. We therefore encourage parents to look for the school that best meets the needs of their child. Look for the fit where, as a family, you will feel connected to the community in which you live.

Is financial assistance available?

Most of our schools do offer some form of financial assistance. You can quickly and easily determine if you qualify for one of the assistance programs by clicking on the link below.


Can I register my child in an English school?

To qualify for English education in Quebec, every child needs a certificate of eligibility. If you do not have a certificate, the law requires that your child attend a French sector school. All of our schools offer both English and French sectors.